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Submission Guidelines

The Journal publishes articles that make new and original contribution to the knowledge of the social and economic history. The Editors expect the authors to clearly indicate (in the introduction to the article) the nature of this contribution. The Editors accept articles in Polish or English. The submissions, after initial qualification, are sent for evaluation to two reviewers, who give their opinion according to the principle of the double-blind review.

The editorial board kindly requests to submit the texts in electronic form, using a commonly used editing program (preferably MS Word), via the Academic Journal Platform:

In exceptional cases, the article could as well be sent via e-mail:

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Texts should not exceed 80,000. characters (including footnotes and spaces as well as an outline, summary, bibliography and author's note) in case of article or material, 10,000 characters in case of review or report and 20,000 characters in case of review articles about several books. If the requested size is exceeded, the texts will be returned to the authors.

The text of the article should be fully anonymised, with no references that would allow the reviewer to identify the author.

The submission should include:

  • the author’s affiliation (if the author does not work at the university, we give the town’s name),
  • ORCID iD,
  • outline of the content, up to 400–700 characters with spaces – a short description of the content of the article,
  • abstract (for articles and materials) in Polish (1000–1800 characters with spaces),
  • keywords – up to 5–7 words or phrases,
  • bibliography listing the most important books and articles referred to in the text. The bibliography should not include archival sources.
  • short note about the author (300–500 characters with spaces). It is obligatory to provide information about the basic place of work and current e-mail address of the author.
  • the affiliation, ORCID iD and the note should be given in a separate file.

The article should be divided into the following sections:

  • introductory remarks/introduction (approx. 3000 characters with spaces), presenting the definition of the research problem/question within the context of the current research state on the analysed issues, information about the most important sources on which the study is based and the method of analysis applied;
  • summary/conclusion (approx. 1000 characters with spaces), synthetically presenting the findings put forward in the article (description of a thus far unknown phenomenon, new interpretation of the problem, questioning of hitherto prevailing beliefs, etc.), as well as possible further research directions resulting from these findings.

The text should not be formatted in any way, e.g. by using different font types, spaced-out (instead, bold should be used). Italics may be used in bibliographic descriptions to indicate the title. Only consecutive paragraphs need to be indicated. Tables should be constructed with a table editor. Tables and graphs should be submitted in a separate file, with their location marked in the text. The same applies to charts and illustrations. The editors recommend that tables, graphs and illustrations be analysed in the text.

All quotations should be included within quotation marks. Foreign-language citations should be given in Polish translations; in justified cases, the original text may be placed in a footnote.

Notes should be placed at the bottom of the page, numbered in sequence throughout the whole text. 

The volumes of RDSG use the abbreviations listed in the ‘List of abbreviations’ published on the Journal’s website (, other abbreviations should be given in full at their first occurrence, with the indication ‘hereinafter’ in parentheses, followed by the given abbreviation.

The article may contain up to 10 black-and-white illustrations (figures, diagrams, etc.), if they are necessary in the text. They could be colour illustrations in justified cases. Due to technical requirements, colour illustrations may only be placed on adjacent pages so that they are contained within a single publisher’s sheet. 

Technical requirements

  • each illustration must be submitted as a separate file, preferably in TIFF format, at 300 dpi resolution, in scale 1:1;
  • the file name must enable identification of the illustration, e.g.: Author's name-il-1, etc.;
  • in the main text, the location of the illustration should be indicated by a commentary, while the Editors reserve the right to make minor shifts (by 1 or 2 paragraphs);
  • it is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission to reproduce illustrations. Any fees required to obtain illustrations or to secure copyright permissions are the responsibility of authors; the Editors should be notified of the form of ownership that is to be noted in the volume (the necessary form of notation). The formula “from the author's collection” can only apply to photographs taken in person at locations that do permit private photography.

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